About PROCAD Systems

History of the company

The company's journey began in the early 1980s. The electrical project agency Möller & Olson AB needed its own electrical application programme for electrical diagram design within the company. This type of design programme was unusual, but interest in the industry proved to be very high. To separate it from the electrical consulting business, but also to market and sell the programme, a new company was formed: PROCAD Systems AB. The programme was named ELPROCAD.
The programme was presented commercially for the first time at the ELFACK exhibition in autumn 1985. The programme immediately received a good response for its working methodology.
Programme development continued over the years. Already in the 1980s, functions for device lists and automatic connection tables were added. The programme was adapted to different operating systems such as DOS, Windows and Sun. When Autodesk released the simpler version of its programme, AutoCAD LT, sales of ELPROCAD in combination with AutoCAD LT really took off.
To complement our AutoCAD-based programmes, in 2004 we released ELPROCAD ic, which worked in conjunction with the CAD programme BricsCAD. ELPROCAD ic was intended for companies that wanted an integrated software package with both electrical application and CAD software at a good price. In 2008 we also released ELPROCAD ic Plan for installation drawings, ducting, power installation, lighting installation and telecommunications, which is also based on BricsCAD.
As our entire ic family was based on the CAD engine BricsCAD, it was obvious to deepen the cooperation with Bricsys. Since the 2000s, we at PROCAD Systems have been a partner company to Bricsys, and today we are the only Bricsys Premium Partner in the Nordic region.
In 2015 we celebrated our 30th anniversary, and at the same time there was a change of ownership and a generational change of staff.