Work with paper drawings in BricsCAD®.
GTXRaster CAD® series, the industry acclaimed "BricsCAD® for Raster" is a raster editing and cleaning software available to BricsCAD® users. Modify and enhance your old paper drawings in your preferred CAD environment for use in your current design process.
What is GTXRaster?
If you use scanned paper drawings, either black and white or colour, and BricsCAD® V22 in your current engineering workflow, the GTXRaster CAD® 2022 series is a unique, cost-effective solution for bringing legacy drawings into your design environment.
All commands, menus and toolbars are consistent with the new BricsCAD® V22, providing a productive and highly readable user interface, including the NEW customised GTX ribbon.
Cleaning up pictures
Quickly clean up scanned raster images using automatic image cleaning tools or manually clean and crop.
You can also erase any part of the image, using raster erase and raster outline.
GTX's Intelligent Object Picking (IOP) technology lets you work with raster entities as intelligent objects. Use this feature to select raster entities (line, arc, circle) even if you are moving other data.
Use AllText IOP to select all raster text units. IOP preserves underlying geometry during erasure and raster to vector conversion.
Automatic conversion of raster to vector
Quickly convert any or all selected rasters to corrected and accurate BricsCAD® entities. Convert selected raster objects into intelligent BricsCAD® entities such as lines, arcs, circles, polylines and true BricsCAD® text. GTXRaster's ability to recognise line styles, splines, crosshatching, arrowheads, and even the ability to set a gap jump variable, further increases conversion accuracy.
Product manager
Johan Lindblom