Course objectives
After the course you will have an understanding of how to work three-dimensionally in a BricsCAD drawing. Tasks and examples are drawn from various disciplines and include, but are not limited to, mechanical drawings, architectural drawings and landscape architecture.
You will learn how to draw different models in BricsCAD, and add materials to the models.
You should have BricsCAD basic course or equivalent knowledge, and have worked with BricsCAD.
Course content
- Launch BricsCAD Pro, understand perspective and rotate the model in space.
- Primitives, standard 3D objects in BricsCAD
- How to edit a 3D model, an edge or a surface
- How to use UCS, User Coordinate Systems
- From 2D to 3D, how to use 2D commands to create a 3D model
- Draw a 3D mechanical model
- How to draw walls with defined height and thickness
- Height above ground level and thickness
- Editing commands to edit a 3D model
- Draw a house with walls, doors, windows, furnishings and a roof.
- Placing materials on the house
- Draw a shower cabin with glass walls
- Civil design
- How to divide the screen into windows so you can see the model from different sides when designing.